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Wonders of Heritage

What is the difference between rocks, minerals, and gemstones?
Uncover the differences between rocks, minerals, and gemstones, discover how they are all formed, and explore examples from each category.

How was Giant’s Causeway in Northern Ireland formed: Geology vs. Irish Myths
Giant’s Causeway in Northern Ireland is a fascinating geological wonder, whose creation has origins both in geology and Irish mythology.

What is magma and how is magma formed?
Magma is a super-hot viscous material that comprises molten and semi-molten rock that flows deep beneath the Earth’s surface.

What are diamonds and how are diamonds formed naturally?
Diamonds are minerals composed of carbon that come from deep volcanic eruptions in the Earth's mantle and were formed billions of years ago.

Colored Sand Beaches—What Gives Sand Its Color?
From white sand beaches to black sand beaches, and even multicolored sand beaches - Earth has it all! Where does the sand color come from?
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