Science for Cultural HeritageRADIOCARBON DATING and Its Use in Dating Cultural Heritage ObjectsRadiocarbon dating is a radiometric dating method that uses the radioactive isotope carbon-14 to date objects as old as 50,000 years old.
Science for Cultural HeritageMOBILE NMR and The Use of NMR Relaxation and Portable NMR in Cultural HeritageMobile NMR combines permanent magnets with surface radio-frequency coils to record nuclear magnetic resonance experiments non-invasively.
Science for Cultural HeritagePRINCIPLES OF NUCLEAR MAGNETIC RESONANCE (NMR)The basic principles of Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) rely on the behavior of nuclear spins in an external magnetic field.
Science for Cultural HeritageX-RAY FLUORESCENCE for the Elemental Analysis of ArtworkX-ray fluorescence is a valuable tool for the elemental analysis of artwork. XRF analysis reveals which chemical elements are present.
Science for Cultural HeritageTHE ELECTROMAGNETIC SPECTRUM and The Use of Electromagnetic Waves in Cultural HeritageThe electromagnetic spectrum consists of all the electromagnetic waves of all possible energies moving through space at the speed of light.
Science for Cultural HeritageATOMIC Structure and MOLECULAR Structure: Atoms, Molecules, and Crystals in Cultural HeritageAll tangible heritage (art and historical objects, natural heritage) are made of the same building blocks: atoms, molecules, and crystals.